Parish Committee - Our Lady and St Werburgh Catholic Church

Who Are the Current Parish Committee?

Our Lady and St Werburgh Parish Committee currently has 12 parishioners, together with our parish priest Fr Anton, serving on it.

Contact us at

Mission Statement

Father Anton (Parish Priest and Chair)

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Laurence Tunnicliffe (Vice Chair)

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Margaret Taylor (Secretary)

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Judith Somers

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Simon Goodall

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Margaret Taylor (Secretary)

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Lydia Quinlan

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Claire O’Hara

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Lisa Mogg

Our Lady & St Werburgh Parish Committee Member

Who is Eligible to join the Parish Committee?

Any Adult within the Parish of Our Lady & St. Werburgh would be eligible to join the Committee. They should make their interest known to Fr. Anton. They would be made most welcome.

How Often Do the Committee Meet?

The Parish Committee tend to meet approximately 9 times a year, in the Upper Room, usually on a Wednesday, at 8.00pm, or when otherwise agreed with the Committee Members.

What Role do the Parish Committee Play within the Parish?

The role of the Parish Committee, under the support and guidance of the Parish Priest is to seek to enrich the spiritual and pastoral life of the parish, as well as its human fellowship. The way in which we strive to do this is set out in our Mission Statement which was compiled by the Committee in 2013.

In general terms, however, in seeking to realise the hopes and aspirations contained within our Mission statement, the Parish Committee has been involved in the following events/activities, which will perhaps give an insight into what the Committee is about.

  • The Practical and Spiritual Preparations for the Consecration of Our Lady & St. Werburgh Church February 2007.
  • Preparations, and help running CaFE courses, and CaFE Retreat
  • Annual Summer and Winter Fayres
  • Annual Joint Parishes (Clayton & Ashley) Mass and Picnic and Family Fun Day
  • Annual Senior Citizens Christmas Party
  • Helping to Organise the Parish Mission
  • Organising and running of various Parish Social Events, eg. Barn Dance with hot supper, Bowling Evening with hot supper, Line Dancing with hot supper, Quiz Night, Beetle Drive, etc
  • Initiatives to help Make our Parish a 'Welcoming Parish'
  • Practical help with various Meetings/Events held at within our Parish Eg. CAfe Training sessions, Catechetical Association Meetings, Deanery Meetings, etc.,
    Supporting the diverse initiatives taken up in our Parish, eg Water4all, Link Line, etc

How Can I Get in Touch with the Parish Committee?

Perhaps you would like to propose an item for the next meetings Agenda, or make a comment on a Parish matter that is important to you? You may want to find out more about what the Committee is involved with within the Parish, or to offer to join the Parish Committee? Whatever the reason, if any Parishioner wishes to get in touch with the Parish Committee they may do so by posting a written message into the box situated in the Porch at the back of Church, marked for this purpose.